Our Partners

Vital Partnerships

In joining together to support MLP, our partners focus attention on helping patients address the social issues that are essential to achieving lasting health. Our success depends on the willingness of these institutions’ healthcare providers, lawyers and leaders to champion patient legal rights as an integral part of healthcare:

Seattle Children's
Northwest Justice Project
University of Washington Medical Center
Harborview Medical Center
Odessa Brown Children's Clinic

Pro Bono Partners

Stoel Rives
Davis Wright Tremaine
Ogden Murphy Wallace

National Network

The National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership leads and sustains a nationwide MLP Network. They support Washington MLP and similar projects around the country by fostering collaboration through learning networks, fellowships, and the biannual MLP Summit.

The Washington MLP is one of many such networked partnerships across the country where health organizations integrate patient-centered legal services into care delivery. Together, each year these groups provide legal intervention for more than 75,000 patients through 450 healthcare institutions. Directly and indirectly, the Washington program has helped thousands of patients and families since it began in 2008.

Partner with Washington MLP

If you or your organization would like to expand your advocacy efforts through a Washington MLP partnership, please contact us for more information.

Stacked MLP Logo

“Our mission is to promote better health outcomes by addressing the legal and social needs of patients and families.”

From the beginning of developing an MLP in the northwest we have been strategic about the need to build a solid and successful infrastructure with critical partnerships that could enable us to build on and expand services. This vision has served us well. We have successfully branched out to serve adults as well as children, and continue to magnify our reach throughout the state.

–  Carol Jenkins, Founding Partner of MLP


Pro Bono

The Washington Medical-Legal Partnership’s goal is to extend its reach to patients and families who may otherwise have no access to the legal system.


Give To MLP

Your tax-deductible donation of any amount helps fuel our programs. Please specify Washington Medical-Legal Partnership in the ‘Other’ field.

Our Supporters

Real Networks Foundation
Foster Foundation
Lynn Ristig & Craig Shrontz
The Shrontz Family Foundation
Holly Smith & Ouida Hemingway

Contact Us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.